I was scheduled to fly out late Thursday night, so I had some time to kill before needing to be at the airport. Lucky for me, I have a co-worker that works late, and he agreed to give me a lift. He suggested we grab dinner first, so we went to the Tied House where I had a yummy nut brown ale and a salad. It was nice getting to know him a little better, and the weirdest part was finding our our waitress was going to Vegas the next morning, also to stay at the MGM. How funny is that?
I met K at the airport for our flight, and when we arrived in Vegas, we were met by Ro who advised us it was time to "get our slut on." That's what she'd been told by the very drunk girls on her flight. I didn't have much available to me in that department, but I was happy to head down to the bar for a beer. By 2am we were back in our room getting to sleep.
Saturday was an adventure in walking. I dragged poor K and Ro down the strip so they could see NY NY, Caesars, and anything else in between of interest. I tend to forget just how much walking there is, and all of us were a little beat at the end of the trek. We took a cab back to the hotel after that! The rest of the crew was arriving, so we hooked up to all go out. Thanks to my friend Ro for this picture of our entire group. I'm the tall one on the right. <--- How often do I get to say THAT?

For dinner we ended up at the Rainforest Cafe, where I had a great visit with my friend Gypsy. We shared appetizers and a lot of laughs amidst the rain and thunder. All the birthday girls were celebrated with surprise ice cream and sparkler candles.
That night a few of us hit Fremont Street (while a few others got shnookered). The lights were certainly entertaining, and I took several videos for the kids to enjoy later. (They love "We will rock you" by Queen, which was the first show.)
Saturday we all met up for brunch at the MGM Grand Buffet. After that we headed to Excalibur and then the Luxor. I really wanted to check out the Bodies Exhibition, but in the end it was a little pricey and nobody was too keen on it. From there we hit the mnm store, and that is where I got lost in the world of candy. The kids got presents, I got mnms, and I even got a bag of green and gold mnms for my Packer fan hubby. I think that my house in heaven will have a wall of mnm's like this one.
Sat night was awesome -- four of us saw the Blue Man Group! They're incredibly funny and really put on an entertaining show. At one point one of them was standing on the ledge right in front of us, looking straight at M who was sitting next to me! It's pretty eerie in the dark like that. I wanted to get my picture with one of them afterwards, but we were off to find a restaurant. We chose one that I'd been to once before with the hated ex-sister-in-law, but we ate inside which made for a nicer and newer experience. By this time I was SO tired and winding down. When we finally returned to the front of the hotel, I caught a cab with a few girls and headed back to MGM. I gambled the last of my gambling money, and then hit the sack. Of course, I couldn't sleep well thanks to the exhausted worry of missing the 6am wake up call, so I was extremely beat most of Sunday.
When I got to the airport and boarded my plane, I managed to sit next to the guy who said, "I'll talk your ear off!" I told him, "That's okay. I have my book and will ignore you." He did try, but I cut him off by burying my nose in my book after we took off. Sorry pal, but I'm here to relax after my trip, which does not include hearing about your real estate business and your wife's tattoos!
Home again, home again!
And nobody even greeted me at the door when I arrived. Until they heard I had presents...
Sounds like you all had a blast! And, oh my, I saw the pictures of R and G with those yummy men!
It looks like you had lots of fun....I'm jealous ;)
I think the M&M place would have been my first stop!
You guys had so much fun. I ran into Reg at school yesterday and she said she recovered most of Monday too!
Glad you guys had fun. Yes the M7M place is too fun, it was hard to get me out of there!
I love the M & M wall. I JUST downloaded that Queen song you were talkinga about on my Ipod. Love it. Sounds like you had a blast. I am having trouble containing my envy :)
Hey - it's me - Schnookered! :+) Great pics. Thank goodness Kim and Michele and Jen Di don't have blogs. Tee hee. Don't want to hear their version AGAIN! ;+)
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