Other weekend plans include seeing "Bolt," because what family with small children misses the opportunity to see a new Disney movie in theaters? Not this family -- I'm all about the popcorn and cherry coke, which may help explain my fluffiness these days. My husband isn't all about the movies if it's not something he's excited to see, so my guess is this will be a Mommy/Kid outing. Which leads to my next thought.
Why don't I ever get some time at home alone? Hubby certainly does during the week while the kids are at school, and he even does on the weekends when I take them out somewhere. But my only alone time comes if I stay up until some ungodly hour on the weekend while everyone else is sleeping. Even then I'm limited in what I can do. What I can't do is have a loud phone conversation, or blast my iPod music, or even turn up the volume on an R rated movie! On a regular day with everyone home, I can't even just sit quietly and read a book, because inevitably someone will either climb on me, tattle on someone else, or just choose to play as loudly as possible in the space I picked for quiet time.
The one day I'm guaranteed this is when I kick them all out for part of a day so that I can wrap Christmas presents. Last year I laid it all out on the family room floor, put on a good movie and had a great time wrapping away. I think I predict another such day in my near future. Thank you Christmas!
Go Spartans!

Hope you have fun tonight! We will be seeing Bolt this weekend too!
We hope to see Bolt this weekend, too...along with the Texas Tech v. OU game. My Red Raiders are doing so well, I hope they keep up the momentum (sorry, you probably don't care).
Have fun!!
p.s. You've been TAGGED! See my blog to play along!
Hi Merrie...I don't know why it showed me as Anonymous...hmm. The tagging came from me--Tina--at Pfeiffer Photos!
Hey we are going to see bolt Sun. morning, when are you going? I hope you have funt tonight!
Here's an idea: spread the wrapping of Christmas presents over the course of 3 or 4 days!
I think you need to wrap one present. Once a week. For about 3 hours. With an open bottle of wine. And a movie. And some microwave popcorn. And a few phone calls to friends. Just sayin'...
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