I started this blog back in April, and in keeping with a popular trend, I've kept us as anonymous as possible. Sure, I'm Merrie, and I live in the bay area of California. Big whoop. I really don't think there are any crazy stalkers out there, scouring my blog for information, in the hopes of finding a clue that will lead them to my front door.
Which, by the way, is actually located on a remote island off the coast of some unknown country. Good luck!But seriously... it's starting to get tiresome trying to remember
not to type the names of the three most important people in my life. I never post really personal identity details, and we all go by nicknames as it is, so what am I worried about? I pointed all of this out to my husband, and he was cool with it, so allow me to finally introduce you to...
My Husband Rick
My Son Charlie
and my Daughter Noelle.

And that's us! Oh, and our last name is Smith and we live in Springfield.

Hey, my last name is Smith too! What a coincidence, lol! Beautiful names for such beautiful children!
Well, dear, my last name is Jones ;-)
Ah, I understand what you're saying -kind of part of the reason I chose not to blog anymore, but I sure do love reading everyone else's!
You are so funny! And that daughter of yours is so stinkin cute!
Well hello there Smith family from Springfield. It's so very nice to officially make your acquaintance.
PS. Anonymity is totally overrated. :)
my sister has tried to get me to change to nick names in my blog- but I just cant do it. This is who we are!
So nice to finally everyone! You have a beautiful family. If that's even your real family ;-)
I just put us all right out there without much thought. Maybe not the best idea, but I'm an open person...don't really know how not to be.
I became exhausted with using nicknames on my blog too. The girls started out as Sissy and The DQ. Now of course they are just Melissa and Keri. It's nice to finally "meet" you!
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