Thursday, October 30, 2008

Centerville Jr. High circa 1988

My typical day in Junior High...

Wake up and put on the shirt that four of us bought at L.A. Gear on Saturday, along with my coveted acid washed Guess jeans and my jean jacket. Curl my bangs into oblivion while the rest of my stick straight hair hangs doing absolutely nothing. Perfect.

Head out the door on my ten speed to meet up with my other friends who are riding bikes today. Three of them are wearing "the shirt and jeans" as planned. We arrive at school and go to our first class. As people start to notice that we match, we act very cool, as though nothing out of the ordinary were happening? "What? Did we plan this? No, this is just one of those crazy coincidences that are unexplainable." And then we go about our business.

Classes are sometimes fun, sometimes not fun. You've got to love Mr. Hamilton and his giant tub of Costco blow pops that he sells to the students. As long as you're not obnoxious with them, he doesn't mind if you eat them in class. What's that you say, Mr. Hamilton? Only three people didn't lie on their homework yesterday, and didn't change their answer to the one you gave out, which couldn't have possibly been correct? And I'm one of them? And Pennie's NOT?! Wow, thanks for the kudos. She'll awkwardly lie her way out of it later.

Lunchtime! We convene on the sidewalk right in front of the painted mustang picture on a classroom. There's about 10 of us most of the time, give or take a few, and it's especially nice on a cold day when we can huddle together and keep warm. They won't let us into the library or the cafeteria on the coldest days, because for some reason, they hate us. That's all I can figure.

After I enjoy my home made by me lunch, we're all off to "walk around." No special place to goal or end point...we'll just walk around. And look cool with our matching clothes.

Time to go home! We ride our bikes back to our neighborhood, after a stop at the Fremont Market for some Popsicles. Back home again, and on goes the t.v. for some after school MTV. Because it's all about the music videos on MTV, and I'm hoping to catch Vanilla Ice or Salt n Pepa today. Homework? Yeah, whatever.

After a nice home cooked dinner, we head into the family room to watch the latest rental from The Wherehouse -- a favorite past time for all. Eventually I head to my room to listen to some Debbie Gibson or Tiffany on KMEL, before turning in for the night in my very yellow themed bedroom. What a day.


KatieZ said...

That was great! Like a trip down memory lane for me. You must have been me in a former life or something. One thing dif tho, my bangs were not curled, they stuck straight in the air about 4 inches and had a curve at the top. TOO FUNNY!

Ali said...

Great post! My bangs had 2 curls: one under and one up and over!

Rebekah said...

I had a teacher that used to hold a ruler up to our teased bangs to see who had the highest bangs that day.

MTV was so awesome- but now they rarely play any videos at all.

KatBouska said...

oh the ten speed. I had one too. :) And you got a lunch! I was too cool to bring a lunch to school and mom wouldn't give me money. I was the girl that was always mooching off her friends. :)

Angela said...

This is hilarious! Sounds like a movie! I can't really relate (I was entering kindergarten in '88) but it's fun to remember what I was like in junior high., I think I'd rather forget that part of my life....