"Who is the Best Listener you know, and why?"
This is a question posed by Mama Kat for today.
I don't have just one best listener -- I have two! And they both happen to be my best friends. Hmmm...perhaps that's one of the reasons they're my best friends...
First off, we have Mark, whom I have known since 1991 when he first walked into the high school drama department. We hit it off immediately and began one of the most wonderful and deep friendships of my life. We've been known to talk on the phone for hours, discussing everything from movies to family to relationships. When I talk to him about something, I know he really hears me, and even better, he gets me. I often feel like people don't "get me," but he always does, and I find comfort in that.
My other favorite person to talk things out with is Debbie, my best friend who now lives in Texas. No matter what the topic, but especially when it's something that weighs heavy on my heart, she always takes all the information in and then takes the time to think on it. I never get a quick offer of advice, but instead, she takes a day or two to mull it all over and then offers what she hopes is a helpful suggestion or two. She cares enough to take the time, and I think that's really special. How often do I take time like that? It's worth considering.

Really like your new banner and red/green margin colors, Merrie. My best listening friend is Lori; mother of five kids, one of 11 siblings and a huge extended family...no wonder she's learned to listen. It's such an essential skill for everyone but rare to find those that do it actively without thinking what they want to say next before you've even finished what you're saying!
I love that question and that's a TOUGH one for me to answer!! Wowzers!
Love, Mere
Excellent. So many people don't have one good listener; two is a blessing!
I am blessed with three fantastic best friends and an awesome hubby who are all great listeners.. good thing I like to yap.
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